Stuff Goes Bad:Erlang In Anger

Supervisors and start_link Semantics


In complex production systems, most faults and errors are transient, and retrying an operation is a good way to do things — Jim Gray’s paper 7 quotes Mean Times Between Failures (MTBF) of systems handling transient bugs being better by a factor of 4 when doing this.
Still, supervisors aren’t just about restarting.
One very important part of Erlang supervisors and their supervision trees is that their start phases are synchronous. Each OTP process has the potential to prevent its siblings and cousins from booting.If the process dies, it’s retried again, and again, until it works, or fails too often.

 在一个复杂的产品系统中,大部分的错误(faults,errors)都是短暂的,重试无疑是一个好办法--Jim Gray's论文指出:系统平均处理故障的时间(Mean Times Between Failures )大约是重启时间的4倍。
 Erlang supervisors和他们监控的supervisor树有一个非常重要的特性:他们的开始阶段是同步的,每个OTP进程都有可能阻止他的兄弟姐妹(同行级别的进程)启动。 如果一个进程死掉,它会不断地重启,直到状态正常或重启失败达到规定次数。

That’s where people make a very common mistake. There isn’t a backoff or cooldown period before a supervisor restarts a crashed child. When a network-based application tries to set up a connection during its initialization phase and the remote service is down, the application fails to boot after too many fruitless restarts. Then the system may shut down.
Many Erlang developers end up arguing in favor of a supervisor that has a cooldown period. I strongly oppose the sentiment for one simple reason: it’s all about the guarantees.

 许多的Erlang开发者都在争论是不是要给supervisor加一个冷却时间。但我强烈反对这种做法,因为一个非常简单的理由: it’s all about the guarantees.

