Stuff Goes Bad:Erlang In Anger

Detecting Leaks

Detecting leaks for reference-counted binaries is easy enough: take a measure of all of each process’ list of binary references (using the binary attribute), force a global garbage collection, take another snapshot, and calculate the difference.
 This can be done directly with recon:bin_leak(Max) and looking at the node’s total memory before and after the call:

 检测引用记数的binaries泄露非常容易:对所有的进程列表的binary references(使用binary 属性)都采取措施,强制一个全局的垃圾回收,把结果与回收前的对比一下,计算下差异。

1> recon:bin_leak(5).

 This will show how many individual binaries were held and then freed by each process as a delta. The value -5580 means there were 5580 fewer refc binaries after the call than before.
 It is normal to have a given amount of them stored at any point in time, and not all numbers are a sign that something is bad. If you see the memory used by the VM go down drastically after running this call, you may have had a lot of idling refc binaries.
 Similarly, if you instead see some processes hold impressively large numbers of them 9, that might be a good sign you have a problem.
 You can further validate the top consumers in total binary memory by using the special binary_memory attribute supported in recon:

 这样就可以看出有多少每个进程有多少私有的binaries和释放掉了多少。-5580表示调用函数后此进程少了5580的refc binaries
 任何时候都存有大量的refc binaries是正常的,所以上面所有的数据并不能说明出了问题。如果你看到调用过这个函数后内存下降得非常厉害。你就可能会有很多懒惰的refc binaries存在。
 同理,如果调用后,你还是看到很多进程拥有大量的refc binaries9。那么也能说明这里有问题。

1> recon:proc_count(binary_memory, 3).

 This will return the N top processes sorted by the amount of memory the refc binaries reference to hold, and can help point to specific processes that hold a few large binaries, instead of their raw amount. You may want to try running this function before recon:bin_leak/1, given the latter garbage collects the entire node first.

 这会返回refc binaries reference总量前N个的进程信息,这可以帮助找到那些拥有大量binaries的进程。你可以在使用recon:bin_leak/1前先运行下这个函数,先看看整个节点的垃圾回收状态。

[9] We’ve seen some processes hold hundreds of thousands of them during leak investigations at Heroku!

[注9] 在Heroku的泄露事件调查中,我们可以看到一些进程有成千上万refc binaries。