Stuff Goes Bad:Erlang In Anger

Time-Sensitive Buffers


If you need to react to old events before they are too old, then things become more complex, as you can’t know about it without looking deep in the stack each time, and dropping from the bottom of the stack in a constant manner gets to be inefficient.
An interesting approach could be done with buckets, where multiple stacks are used, with each of them containing a given time slice. When requests get too old for the QoS constraints, drop an entire bucket, but not the entire buffer.
It may sound counter-intuitive to make some requests a lot worse to benefit the majority — you’ll have great medians but poor 99 percentiles — but this happens in a state where you would drop messages anyway, and is preferable in cases where you do need low latency.

 下面介绍一个有意思实现方法:使用多堆栈,每个都包含一个给定的时间片(time slice).当请求的时间超过约束时间时(Qos),把整个bucket都丢弃掉,注意不是整个缓冲区。