When processes in question are OTP processes (most of the processes in a production
system should definitely be OTP processes), you instantly win more tools to inspect them.
In general the sys module 23 is what you want to look into. Read the documentation
on it and you’ll discover why it’s so useful. It contains the following features for any OTP
• logging of all messages and state transitions, both to the shell or to a file, or even in
an internal buffer to be queried;
• statistics (reductions, message counts, time, and so on);
• fetching the status of a process (metadata including the state);
• fetching the state of a process (as in the #state{} record);
• replacing that state
• custom debugging functions to be used as callbacks
It also provides functionality to suspend or resume process execution.
I won’t go into a lot of details about these functions, but be aware that they exist.
[23] http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/sys.html
[23] http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/sys.html